    • Ashley J.

      Sent to your email! Please let us know if you have any issues opening the PDF 🙂 Thanks! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

  • Marilyn M.

    I think this will be very good to keep me organized on my projects already started. It will help me prioritize all I have started and not finished. Thanks a bunch.

  • Ardelle W.

    Would you please email the planner to me. Thank you very much

      • Ashley J.

        Sent to your email! Please let us know if you have any issues opening the PDF 🙂 Thanks! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

    • Ashley J.

      Sent to your email! Please let us know if you have any issues opening the PDF 🙂 Thanks! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

  • Sewer F.

    Unable to download ????
    Could you please email a copy also? This is exactly what I need ????????

    • Ashley J.

      Sent to your email! Please let us know if you have any issues opening the PDF 🙂 Thanks! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

        • Ashley J.

          Sent to your email! Please let us know if you have any issues opening the PDF 🙂 Thanks! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

    • Ashley J.

      Hi Melody! I just emailed you the project planner 🙂 Have a great day! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

    • Ashley J.

      Hello there! I just emailed you the project planner. Please let me know if you have any issues opening it. Thanks so much! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

  • Beverly B.

    Thank you so much for the free planner! I was able to download with no issues! I love this site

  • Karen P.

    I am unable to download the Sewing Planner. Will please mail it to me. Thank you.
    Karen P 1/27/2024

  • Pierrette C.

    I can’t seem to download the freebie, please email it to me.

  • Sewer F.

    Willie. Deese. Would you please send a copy of your sewing project planner. Thank you.

    • Ashley J.

      Hi Clara! I just emailed the project planner to you. Let me know if you have any issues accessing it. Have a great day! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

    • Ashley J.

      Emailed 🙂 Hope you enjoy the planner, Jo! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

  • Debbie K.

    I would love to have this freebee and am so looking forward to getting it…

  • Colleen S.

    I’m not able to download the project planner…
    Would love to have it.

    • Ashley J.

      Hi Pam! I just sent an email with the project planner attached. Please let me know if you have any issues opening it. Have a great day! – Ashley, We Like Sewing

  • Sewing E.

    Please send me a planner. I would appreciate it so much. Thank you

    • Ashley J.

      Emailed! Let us know if you have any issues 🙂 Thanks! – Ashley, WeLikeSewing

  • Anneline S.

    This is my email address for many years. Thank you for the first freeby. I cannot see the skirt and other free freebies. so sorry

  • Susan S.

    Can I please get a planner? I am looking to purchase a sewing machine. I am a newbie and want to be sure I can understand before I purchase. I will be making items for my first great granddaughter. My email is Thanks so much

    • Ashley J.

      Hi Sue! I have sent you the free sewing planner via email 🙂 Let us know if you have any other questions. Have a great day! – Ashley, WeLikeSewing

    • Ashley J.

      We’re so happy you like the sewing planner, Rita! Thank you for the kind words 🙂 – Ashley, WeLikeSewing

    • Ashley J.

      Hi there! Just sent the planner to you via email. Please let me know if you are able to open the PDF from there or run into additional issues. Thanks so much! – Ashley, WeLikeSewing

    • Ashley J.

      You’re so welcome, Barbara 🙂 Have a great day! – Ashley, WeLikeSewing

  • Leah B.

    I am sure this is a fabulous tool, but i cant get it to download… that makes me sad as i need all the help i can get with getting my projects in order

    • Ashley J.

      Hi Leah! I just sent you the project planner via email. Please let me know if you are able to open it there. Thanks so much! – Ashley, WeLikeSewing

  • Sherrie B.

    I am so glad that you sent this for us. I tried making one but I never thought of all of this to put in it.
    Thanks a bunch!!

    • Ashley J.

      You’re very welcome, Sherrie! Have a great day 🙂 – Ashley, WeLikeSewing

  • Peggy H.

    Thank you so much, maybe I can now keep in to of my many projects

    • Ashley J.

      You’re so welcome! We’re so glad you enjoyed our project planner 🙂 – Ashley, WeLikeSewing

  • Lisa G.

    I have finally found what I needed! This will help me to focus on the project(s) that need to be finished. I start one project and end up four or more unfinished projects.
    Thank you!

    • Ashley J.

      We’re so glad you enjoyed our project planner, Lisa 🙂 Have a great day! – Ashley, WeLikeSewing


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