We Like Sewing

Give a Gift of We Like Sewing for $10

Yes, I want give a gift membership of We Like Sewing with full and instant access for my gift recipient to complete projects with downloadable and printable designer patterns, charts, and step-by-step instructions.

Special GIft Offer for You Now: Just $10 a year!

We Like Sewing Magazine

We Like Sewing Magazine

Your gift recipient gets the next year of digital Magazines, with exclusive sewing and quilting patterns, expert tips, and step-by-step instructions in every issue—we send you an email when each new magazine is ready for instant access!

Included for your gift recipient!

Magazine Library

We Like Sewing Magazine Library

Your gift recipient gets instant access to the full We Like Sewing Magazine Library of back issues with 100+ patterns, tutorials, articles, and videos—unlimited access for free on your computer!

Included for your gift recipient!

We Like Sewing Collections

We Like Sewing Collections

We’ve pulled our favorite projects into collections to make them easy to find. Looking for Christmas Decor, Handbags, or Summer Sewing Patterns? We’ve grouped them together for your gift recipient to easily browse, so they can pick their next project, print their pattern and get started sewing!

Included for your gift recipient!

Gold Member Insider

Gold Member Insider

Editor Caitlin Eaton guides your gift recipient through the Collections with Gold Member Insider, delivered to your email inbox once a week— to help them focus on specific patterns, curated for your easy use and instant access!

Included for your gift recipient!



Your gift recipient gets instant and unlimited access to the library of videos—streaming and on-demand, so they’re ready whenever you want to watch! You’ll find step-by-step videos demonstrating quilting, hand sewing, and machine sewing techniques.

Included for your gift recipient!

Your Own Favorites

Your Own Favorites

Your gift recipient can build their own favorite collection of sewing and quilting patterns—just click any pattern as your “favorite,” and it gets added to their favorites tab. And it’s totally customized, so they can add or delete patterns as they wish!

Included for your gift recipient!

Give a Gift for only $10!

We Like Sewing Gold Club Charter Membership

We Like Sewing Gold Club
Your gift recipient gets full and immediate access to designer patterns and expert advice on sewing and quilting. Gold Membership includes:

  • We Like Sewing digital Magazine subscription for the next year
  • Full and unlimited access to the Library of past digital magazines with 100+ sewing & quilting patterns and articles.
  • Immediate access to all of the We Like Sewing Premium Collections that focus on particular seasonal projects or certain types of patterns!
  • Full subscription to the We Like Sewing Gold Member Insider, an email service that highlights key premium content so they can quickly find the patterns they need.
  • Unlimited access to our library of on-demand We Like Sewing Videos about basic quilting, hand sewing and machine sewing techniques.
  • Their Own Favorites: Create their own custom collection of sewing and quilting patterns, to easily find their favorites!

Order Now – Just $10 an entire year!

Order Total: $10.00 USD

One-Year Gift Gold Club Membership


Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed: Your credit card will be billed annually. If you want your gift recipient to be happy, do nothing and your recipient’s membership will continue uninterrupted. If at any time, and for any reason, you are dissatisfied, you may cancel your order without further obligation, no questions asked. Your complete satisfaction is always guaranteed.

We understand your email address is private. You will receive email messages and e-newsletters from We Like Sewing. We will never share your information, except as outlined in our privacy policy. And remember, you can unsubscribe at any time.

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Gift Recipient Information

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Start date can't be more than one year from today.

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Gift Memberships are only available for We Like Sewing Gold Club members. We do not have a record of you having a current We Like Sewing Gold Club membership. If this is in error, please contact customer support.

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