Design an adult bib that’s pretty, practical, and easy-to-clean with this pattern from designer Lauren Merciris. Available in two collar designs, this adult bib pattern features simple fabric neckties, a long pocket along the bottom of the bib and can also be made collar-less if preferred. Choose a whimsical fall print to make this handy, heartfelt gift ahead of family gatherings this holiday season.
Finished Dimensions: 21 5/8 in. length x 18 1/8 in. width
- Fabric:
- To sew the bib with one fabric:
- To sew the bib with contrasted fabrics (a different fabric for collars and/or pocket):
- PDF Pattern – This is located at the bottom of this page. Please see printing instructions below.
- To sew the bib with one fabric:
Note: To download the pattern, click on the pattern download button at the bottom of the page. We recommend opening your pattern download using Adobe Acrobat.
- Bias binding the pocket. Stitch the bias across the top edge of the pocket (Part B). To do so, we are using the revealed method:
- Place the unfolded bias face down, on the wrong side of the pocket, pin and sew 1 cm (3/8 in.) from the edge (preferably in the fold of the bias already formed).
- Fold and turn bias right side out and sew 1 mm (1/16 in.) from bias edge (on the opening part), on the right side of the pocket.
- Place the unfolded bias face down, on the wrong side of the pocket, pin and sew 1 cm (3/8 in.) from the edge (preferably in the fold of the bias already formed).
- Assemble pocket. Sew all around the pocket (except the bias side) right sides together on the bib (Part A), 0.5 cm (3/16 in.) into the seam allowance to hold it in place. Trim excess bias on sides.
- Bias binding the collar (for Versions 1 and 2 only). For Versions 1 and 2 with collars, sew a bias (revealed method) all the way around the outside of the collar. Note: If you want to make the version 3 without collar, go to Step 5. Unfold the bias and place it face down on the wrong side of the collar (Part C or D).
- For the middle of the collar, you’ll need to stretch the collar fabric to form a line, thus masking the corner. Carefully pin the bias all around.
- Sew 1 cm (3/8 in.) from the edge (preferably in the fold of the bias already formed).
- Trim seam allowances.
- Fold the bias and turn it right side out and sew 1 mm (1/16 in.) from bias edge (on the opening part), on the right side of the collar.
- Press to flatten.
- For the middle of the collar, you’ll need to stretch the collar fabric to form a line, thus masking the corner. Carefully pin the bias all around.
- Assemble collar (Versions 1 and 2 only). Sew the collar in the seam allowance, at 0.5 cm (3/16 in.), all along the neckline, to hold it in place (wrong-side collar against right-side bib). Trim excess bias on top of the collar.
- Bias binding the bib. Place a bias (with the revealed method) all the way around the bib, except for the neckline. Proceed in the same way as for the pocket, first on the wrong side, then on the right side.
- Bias binding the neckline. The neckline bias and ties are made in a single operation. Fold your bias in 2 and place the middle in the center of the neckline. Sew the bias (as previously, with the revealed method, and keep on the ties. Sew the bias, tucking in the ends and leaving a 25 cm (10 in.) on either side of the neckline. Tip: You can also choose to line your bib. To do so, cut 2 A pieces, place the back against the front, right sides together, and follow the same instructions.