Keep little hands warm while enjoying cool summertime treats with these kid-approved freeze pop cozies! If your kids love chowing down on classic freeze pops, then these DIY cozies are just what you need. These summer sewing projects are made with a double layer of fleece inside a fun printed fabric, making them perfect for keeping mess minimal. Make a set of four playful pop cozies using a quarter yard of fabric.
Skill Level: Easy
Estimated Time: 15 minutes per pop cozy
Note: The following materials provide enough fabric for at least 4 freeze pop cozies.
- 1/4 yard polar fleece
- 1/4 yard cotton print or fabric of choice for cover
- Matching thread
- PDF Patterns – These are located at the bottom of this page. Please see printing instructions below.
Note: To download the patterns, click on the pattern download button at the bottom of the page. We recommend opening your pattern download using Adobe Acrobat.
Print 1 copy each of the patterns, then cut them out.
Note: Use 1/4” allowance for seams. Topstitch 1/8” from the edge.
- Cut 2 linings from polar fleece using the lining pattern. Stack the linings and pin them together.
- Zigzag stitch the linings together along all sides.
- Cut 1 piece of cotton print or cover fabric using the cover pattern.
- Fold the cover fabric in half widthwise, right sides together, to make a pouch for the lining. Sew the folded fabric along the two short sides only, leaving the edge opposite the fold open.
- Turn the cover right side out. Turn the raw edges of the fabric to the inside of the cover about 1/2″. Press flat.
- Insert the lining into the cover.
- Pin the opening shut, then topstitch it closed.
Now that the freeze pop cozy is sewn together, it’s time to quilt it by sewing six parallel lines of topstitching, 1/2” apart. This will help the cozy bend nicely and not bunch up when it is folded. It’s easy to sew the parallel lines using the seam allowance guidelines on the sewing machine. If you prefer, you can mark the topstitch lines ahead of time using a ruler and pins or tailor’s chalk.
- Line up the edge opposite the topstitched edge with the 4/8” (or 1/2”) seam allowance guide on the machine. Topstitch all the way across the cozy.
- Line up the topstitching you just completed with the 4/8” mark on the sewing machine, and topstitch across the cozy again, parallel to the first topstitching line.
- Repeat the topstitching steps until you have completed six parallel lines.
- Fold the freeze pop cozy in half, then pin together the long edges opposite the fold.
- Topstitch the freeze pop cozy together along the side and lower edge, leaving the top open. Be sure to reverse stitch several times at the top of the cozy, so that the seam is strong near the opening.
Pop the frozen freeze pops into the cozies and have warm hands while enjoying a cold treat!