Aishat Sulaiman is a 24-year-old female designing sewing patterns. Her company, SLEEV3D, is a digital patternmaking brand specializing in women's apparel using parametric 2D software (Valentina) to create made-to-measure sewing patterns. This software allows pattern drafting based on provided parameters (measurements) and automatically redrafts these already-made patterns to different sizes or models by inputting the required measurements. Hence, SLEEV3D patterns are not graded as all sizes are drafted individually based on model measurements without the assumption of increasing width and length as sizes increase, thereby enhancing the production of garments with a proper fit to models, high accuracy and precision. This maximizes creative possibilities as patterns are available in numerous file formats (SVG, DXF, DXF AAMA, DXF ASTM, EPS, PNG etc.), ensuring integration of sewing patterns with other 2D and 3D software.
SLEEV3D patterns are sewn and tested in CLO3D in different sizes and heights to ensure accurate visualization of fabric and its properties, fit, and silhouettes of the garments before production. As a result, reducing physical waste during the sampling process.
SLEEV3D sewing patterns are ready-to-use patterns, all-encompassing; anyone can wear her designs. It is her sincere honor and joy to share her patterns with the sewing and making community.
Whether you are a seasoned sewer or are just beginning your journey, Aishat is so glad you’re here and cannot wait to see what you create. Currently, SLEEV3D caters to only cup size B. Any business based on consumption (including hers) cannot be truly and fully inclusive. She is working hard to ensure that SLEEV3D is more inclusive, but she still need to get answers, and wants to be transparent about where she is on this journey.
You can follow SLEEV3D on Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok! Check out Aishat's free pattern library here! For any questions or inquiries, you can contact Aishat at