Add a little flamboyance to your next outdoor gathering with these pink, playful can cozies! Perfect for 12 oz. drink cans, these DIY can cozies feature a charming lawn flamingo design made from felt and are a great way to show off fun retro-inspired prints. Finish each of your lawn flamingos with a sequined eye to give your can cozies a little sparkle. These summer sewing patterns make excellent hostess gifts and are delightful projects to bring to your next pool party.
Skill Level: Easy
Seam Allowances: 1/4”
Finished Size: Fits around a standard 12oz drink can
Designer Note: Use a spritz of spray fabric adhesive to keep your Thermolam in place on the wrong side of your outer fabric as you work.
- Fabric: Art Gallery Fabrics’ Sunburst Hello Summer cotton in shade Hot; Art Gallery Fabrics’ Sunburst Seas The Day cotton in shade Citrus Yellow, one fat quarter of each
- Felt: Pale pink, bright pink, white, black, scraps of each at least 20cm (8 in) square
- Vilene Thermolam insulated batting, one fat quarter
- Sewing thread: White
- Embroidery floss: Pink
- Sequins: Pink, two
- PDF Template – This is located at the bottom of this page. Please see printing instructions below.
- Scissors
- Rotary cutter and mat
- Iron
- Ruler
- Water soluble fabric pen
- Pins or clips
- Sewing machine
- Sewing needle
Note: To download the template, click on the pattern download button at the bottom of the page. We recommend opening your pattern download using Adobe Acrobat.
- Begin by cutting out your main fabric pieces. For each cozy, cut one 9 1/2” x 4” rectangle from your outer fabric (the Hello Summer print) and another the same size from the lining fabric (the Seas The Day print).
- Download and print the flamingo templates, then use them to cut the various pieces from colored felt. For each cozy, cut one flamingo body from bright pink, one wing from pale pink, one upper beak from white, and one lower beak from black. If you want your flamingos to face different directions (as in our sample), simply flip the templates over before cutting the second set.
- Cut two 9” x 3 1/2” rectangles from Thermolam insulated batting and place each one together with an outer fabric piece, making sure the right side of the fabric is facing outwards. Center the batting on the fabric, so that a 1/4” border of material sits on all four sides. Pin or clip into place.
- Place one of your felt flamingo body pieces onto the center of the right side of an outer fabric piece. Work a straight hand stitch inside the outer edge in pink embroidery floss to sew it into place. Add the wing in the same way, then the white upper beak, then the black lower beak. Finally, hand stitch a single pink sequin onto the flamingo’s face, to make an eye. Repeat to stitch the second flamingo to the center of the other outer fabric piece.
- Place one of the embellished outer fabric pieces right sides together with a lining piece (making sure to keep the batting in place on the wrong side of the outer fabric) and clip or pin together. Machine stitch around three sides, leaving a 1/4” seam allowance. Finally, stitch along the fourth side, making sure to leave a 3” gap. Snip carefully across each corner to reduce bulk, then turn the cozy right sides out through the gap. Use a pencil or a knitting needle to make sure the corners are fully turned out. Press flat, and turn the fabric along the gap over to the wrong side by 1/4” and clip or pin together. Work a 1/8” edge stitch along both long sides of the cozy, closing the gap in the seam as you go. Repeat to assemble the second cozy in the same way.
- Finish off the flamingo designs by backstitching two straight lines beneath each one in pink floss, to create legs. Wrap each cozy around a 12oz can and overlap the short edges until you get a snug fit. Pin or clip into position, then remove the cozy from the can and hand stitch the short edges together to secure.